For those who use virus protection on their email server and have not had a virus attack, this is for you. Just before April 1st we upgraded our email server but first reinstalled on a new server. (Keep in mind we use Lotus Domino and have always had Mcafee email scanner/cleaner running.) One missed step in re-install - email virus scanner. A few days later on April 1st BAM. All servers come to a halt and everybody is getting infected with PATE.B virus. Infects .exe and a couple of others. The .exe could be in winnt/* so system may not boot after clean etc. Well here is the interesting thing. We have Mcaffee ASAP running on most all machines. Automatic web updates every 24 hours. Well come to find out it did not detect or clean the virus. So we reinstall Enterprise 7 version and on-access scanner on all servers and workstation to help us weed out any last infectees. Basically we lost about 2 weeks because we had many computers simply croak from infected boot files. Plus having to restore some servers and reinstall some from scratch. You say: you should have had virus protection. But what happens when you are secure in virus software and you actually get hit with virus and the protection fails? We had Mcaffee ASAP but it FAILED miserably. So for those of you who re-install an email server, trust me, the viruses are waiting for you to miss that one critical step of installing the email scanner. Yes stupid and unprofessional to have done such a mistake but remember it happens.