I have Virus Scan 7 running on a Windows XP machine (stand alone). Autoupdate is scheduled to work everytime I start up. In the past it has always worked fine. Today I got the message the Update Failed.
Below is the log file, seems to be unable to find a valid repository. Any ideas what I can do?
Starting VirusScan task: AutoUpdate
Checking update packages from repository NAIFtp.
Error downloading file /CommonUpdater/SiteStat.xml, naInet GetLastError() = 0
Error occurred while downloading file SiteStat.xml.
Checking update packages from repository NAIHttp.
Initializing update ...
Verifying catalog.z.
Extracting catalog.z.
Loading update configuration from: Catalog.xml
Error downloading file Current\VSCANENG1000\EngDet.mcs, naInet GetLastError() = 0
Searching available updates for DATs.
Product(s) running latest DATs.
Error downloading file Current\VSCANENG1000\EngDet.mcs, Update Finished
Closing update session.
Unable to find a valid repository.
Update Finished
Below is the log file, seems to be unable to find a valid repository. Any ideas what I can do?
Starting VirusScan task: AutoUpdate
Checking update packages from repository NAIFtp.
Error downloading file /CommonUpdater/SiteStat.xml, naInet GetLastError() = 0
Error occurred while downloading file SiteStat.xml.
Checking update packages from repository NAIHttp.
Initializing update ...
Verifying catalog.z.
Extracting catalog.z.
Loading update configuration from: Catalog.xml
Error downloading file Current\VSCANENG1000\EngDet.mcs, naInet GetLastError() = 0
Searching available updates for DATs.
Product(s) running latest DATs.
Error downloading file Current\VSCANENG1000\EngDet.mcs, Update Finished
Closing update session.
Unable to find a valid repository.
Update Finished