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Virus Refuses to go away, Norton/TrendMicro Unable to help

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Jun 26, 2003
Hello All,
I have a system that is infected with the Trojan.Adwaheck virus. Norton Anti-Virus 2004 (fully updated) claims it is unable to delete the offending file. This file appeared earlier in the year and it was quarentined and went away but now is back; however the end user isn't entirely sure as to what Norton did to it. Just that it went away.

TrendMicro's Housecall does not pick it up at all.

It seems to be infecting the file counter.exe, which resides in the / directory of the C drive.

Manually deleting the file only causes it to respawn upon reboot. I have read several differing opinions on how to deal with this problem online.

Before I do anything as time consuming as using HijackThis! I'm wondering if there is any other way to remove it.

Secondly, if only Norton is registering it, and not TrendMicro, is it a legitimate threat?

This scan takes awhile, but I am seeing it recommended a lot:

It might help you identify sources of your problem.

Pocket killbox (you can get it at subratam.org downloads page) will help delete the infected files.

It's 10 O'Clock ( somewhere! ).
Are your registry and data backed up?
you may be missing some things while counter-attacking the baddy: probably system restore is still on or you were still in normal mode when you did it. it's best to turn off system restore while doing it in safe mode.

hope this helps. peace! [peace]

kilroy [knight]

"Once a king, always a king. But being a knight is more than enough."
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