I recently reformatted my Win XP C: drive and no sooner did I switch on my cable modem did the system seem to be overwhelmed with all manner of trojans and other peculiarities. Both firefox/IE directed all traffic to a "End of the Internet" url. I got around that by taking out a suspicious process in the task manager. Now I finally got AVG 7 antivirus, Ad-Aware and a firewall and the system appears clean but for one remaining problem. On startup, a 4kb file C:\instalfag.exe is executed and it causes a crash. Delete the file and it reappears seconds later. AVG7 doesn't identify it as a virus. Today I found the file was gone and instead a 178kb file c:\angelshit.exe is being executed at startup instead. Same applies for this file also. Any advice? My virus definition file is up to date. I have copies of both instalfag.exe and angelshit.exe if anybody would like to take a look. Thanks in advance.