I am currently writing a page that will be written in asp but will call up the CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject" to create an rtf document. I have the raw rtf document and I would like to just view the coding of the rtf document so I can write the ASP around the coding..
In other words I am looking for a program or an easy way of converting the rtf document to something that will look like this:
MyFile.WriteLine("{\footer\pard\qc\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp100" & _
"\fs18 Page " & _
"{\field{\*\fldinst PAGE}{\fldrslt 1}} of " & _
"{\field{\*\fldinst NUMPAGES}{\fldrslt 1}} \par}"
in an asp extension format.
thanks ahead of time.
Dave Highfield
I couldn't think of a sig so here it is.
In other words I am looking for a program or an easy way of converting the rtf document to something that will look like this:
MyFile.WriteLine("{\footer\pard\qc\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp100" & _
"\fs18 Page " & _
"{\field{\*\fldinst PAGE}{\fldrslt 1}} of " & _
"{\field{\*\fldinst NUMPAGES}{\fldrslt 1}} \par}"
in an asp extension format.
thanks ahead of time.
Dave Highfield
I couldn't think of a sig so here it is.