I have several different linux's and one partition with w2k on 2 different hard drive's and i am wondering how i can see and manipulate my windows(especially) and linux partion in linux(red hat 7).
You have to edit the /etc/fstab file to reflect where your linux and windows partitions are. They are probably on /dev/hdc3 or /dev/hda4, something like that. You need to simply add them to the etc/fstab file and they'll mount automatically. I don't know if you'll be able to see your 2k partitions, though, Linux may not know how to read that format. So, to mount a partition, create a directory on the root, or whatever, called /msdos, then, you do add an entry inthe fstab file to mount the filesystem there.
Type man fstab from a terminal window for more information on the fstab file
Good luck. As always, I hope that helped!
Beware: Studies have shown that research causes cancer in lab rats.
Yeah, that will allow you to re-size them ,but it won't let you mount a W2k partition under Linux, will it? Did you read the post or just the subject? As always, I hope that helped!
Beware: Studies have shown that research causes cancer in lab rats.
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