Don't use pixels (period) Even if the user is using your magic number resolution, they may not be using the browser Maximized. The best option os to use percents... That way, no matter what browser or prefrence they can see whole page without horizontal scrolling. Agian, what is important enough to write a site about, but not imortant enough that you limit your audience to certain screen resolutions and browser window sizes. If I have to resize my browser to veiw your site, I move to another site that has more imformation than yours does.... And let's me veiw however I, the end user, want to veiw the site.
gus121, the best answer to your question is, as jstreich has implied, "100%". Design your site to fit any screen and you guarantee that all your users will see all your content.
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There is a simple way to test your website (doesn't matter what size your monitor is)
Some quy made a whole site [started in 1998] of this kind of tricks.
I don't know if he invented this name or that he got it from the Netscape JavaScript Guide
choose "property" and replace
the URL with the one of the next javascript code.
Do also change the the "name" of the favorite to something like:
Resize Window to 800 x 600
Resize Window to 800 x 600 , move to 100,100
Click Apply/OK even if you are warned of something !!!
Then go the website you want to test.
When the site is loaded just click your new favorite (with the javascript-URL) and your window will change to the size 800 x 600
At the same way you can make more favorites will all the sizes you want to test.
When you want to see more BOOKMARKLETS:
He has a lot of other example's.
Read all about at and have fun:
I planed to design my site initialy in percent.
800*600 is the minimum screen resolution I will be catering for and therfore i have to test that my design fits within the minimum visible screen at that resolution.
. It was written in 1999, so it's a bit dated now (I wouldn't worry too much about fitting into 640 x 480), but much of the advice is still valid.
As stated, the best design is flexible enough to fit into any size, but it's still useful to know the maximum size for graphic elements on the web, just don't feel compelled to make everthing (or anything!) that big.
You know gus, if you're going to design for a small window, then simply change your dev machine settings to those display settings and design for that. Then you won't get "surprises".
Like Lovecraft? Know Photoshop? Got time for the Unspeakable?
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