I have an office where they had a power supply failure and possibly a NIC issue. They resolved the issues, but now SQL is acting strange.
After opening SQL Enterprise manager I can expand the tree until it comes to databases, management, etc. When attempting to open each of those folders it will hang forever and will not open.
I try to open SQL query analyzer and although it gives connections errors I am still able to query some databases (some databases I can not query).
I want to look at the SQL error logs to see if it gives any information, but without access to the management folder I am unable to view the logs.
IS there any way to query them or are they sitting in .log files somewhere?
I have an office where they had a power supply failure and possibly a NIC issue. They resolved the issues, but now SQL is acting strange.
After opening SQL Enterprise manager I can expand the tree until it comes to databases, management, etc. When attempting to open each of those folders it will hang forever and will not open.
I try to open SQL query analyzer and although it gives connections errors I am still able to query some databases (some databases I can not query).
I want to look at the SQL error logs to see if it gives any information, but without access to the management folder I am unable to view the logs.
IS there any way to query them or are they sitting in .log files somewhere?