I have a Cisco 837 router coneected to a 3COM 12 port switch, and was wondering if there is any way I can see the IP address of this switch?
I cannot connect via console into the switch, and have tried the default IP address, but to no avail.
Good point Burt. Do you have any documentation on the switch?? can you go to 3Com's site and see if it is managed switch?? If it is perhaps they'll have a formal rest procedure that you can walk through. Obviously there are risks with a switch reset if you don't have a valid backup of the config.
I hate all Uppercase... I don't want my groups to seem angry at me all the time! =)
- ColdFlame (vbscript forum)
It is a managed switch. I've been on the 3COM site and tried everything they suggested, tried everything in the manual too.
I am trying to connect with a Cisco console cable, which according to me should be a standard console cable.
I bought it secondhand, it doesn't appear to have been configured. It works OK as a switch, but obviously I would like to play around a bit.
By the way, the Cisco console cable is NOT a standard null modem console cable---it is a rollover cable. Different manufacturers sometimes have different pinouts and baud speeds for their products. I know Cisco and HP are two of them.
You can also do a sh cam/sh mac-address-table. If that is an unmanaged switch, then it probably won't even have a serial port on it, and definitely no IP address. I especially love the ones that have STP enabled and there is nothing you can do about it...like you're going to have redundant $30 switches...lol
But you need to go and get yourself a NULL modem serial cable, and set your hyperterminal settings to 8 bit, no parity, and 1 stop bit. As for where to get one, Radio Shack might have one, I know Fry's Electronics do, ummm there is also AllTex (but I do believe they are only in Texas could be wrong though)... Or just find one online...
THanks for all the help, I think my problem is the console cable. I will have to get it from Dick Smith, as I am in NZ.
I will give it a go, everything is in pieces at the moment, as I am relocating the network, so most of it is unplugged.
just fireup tcpdump or alike packet capture , on a pc and power cycle the switch , during the startup process its sure to fire out a request for the default gateway or alike which will contain its ip , using a packet capture your see the subnet even if your not on the same subnet as it.
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