I installed Solaris 8 for the first time last night on an old box I put together a while back. I had a couple of video card choices, 3dfx Voodoo 3000 , Trident PCI card, or S3 Trio based chineese card of which I do not know the manufacturer or model. I chose the S3 card. Well at my x-windows desktop I get about a 4 color palatte to work with, so I guess I chose the wrong S3 based card when I was installing ( it was purely a guess, I am usually good at hunting down different card makes and mfg's but there is nothing to go on here that I can get any good info on) Anyway, I can buy a used Number 9 card, put in the voodoo (which shows no suport from Solaris) or tri the Trident. But from past experience the Trident is so slow it's painful. Any help out there with changing the driver of the S3 (I need a page with baby steps, new to Solaris and linux) or use another choice?