David Higgs
My VFP application connects to my Amateur Radio Transceiver (via Serial COM Port 3) for CAT Control. CAT Control is a generic term used to describe how a PC can control the frequency and various other settings of a transceiver. The CAT commands are bi-directional. My application has run for a number of years without any ‘comms’ issues.
I’ve been looking at sharing the Transceiver (Serial COM Port 3) with VFP and another 3rd Party Application. I decided on using a Virtual Serial Port Emulator (VSPE) by https://eterlogic.com/products.vspe.html
I configured VSPE to allow my VFP application using Virtual Serial Port COM 10 to communicate with my Transceiver Serial Port COM 3. I intend using another 3rd Party Application on Virtual Serial Port COM 11.
When running VSPE, my VFP application (Virtual Serial Port COM 10) connects to my Transceiver (COM 3) and works as expected. However, I have an issue which I’ve not be able to resolve. When I exit my VFP application by clicking the ‘Exit Program’ Command Button VFP becomes ‘unresponsive’ for 60 secs before closing down.
To eliminate any ‘code’ issues with my VFP application, I created a simple VFP Form with just three Command Buttons ‘Set Frequency 1’, ‘Set Frequency 2’ and ‘Exit Program’
I ran this VFP Form with no other Code, it opened and closed with no issues.
I then added an ‘ActiveX Control OLE Class MSCOMMLib.MSComm.1’ to the form.
I then ran the VFP Form again and when clicking the ‘Exit Program’ Command Button the application became ‘unresponsive’ for 60 Seconds and then closed.
The only time the problem (VFP being un-responsive for 60 Secs) seems to manifest itself is when I run VFP and VSPE together.
My VFP application works ok when connected directly to my Transceiver on Serial Port COM 3.
VSPE works ok with my Transceiver using other 3rd party applications.
Comms settings

I’ve been looking at sharing the Transceiver (Serial COM Port 3) with VFP and another 3rd Party Application. I decided on using a Virtual Serial Port Emulator (VSPE) by https://eterlogic.com/products.vspe.html
I configured VSPE to allow my VFP application using Virtual Serial Port COM 10 to communicate with my Transceiver Serial Port COM 3. I intend using another 3rd Party Application on Virtual Serial Port COM 11.
When running VSPE, my VFP application (Virtual Serial Port COM 10) connects to my Transceiver (COM 3) and works as expected. However, I have an issue which I’ve not be able to resolve. When I exit my VFP application by clicking the ‘Exit Program’ Command Button VFP becomes ‘unresponsive’ for 60 secs before closing down.
To eliminate any ‘code’ issues with my VFP application, I created a simple VFP Form with just three Command Buttons ‘Set Frequency 1’, ‘Set Frequency 2’ and ‘Exit Program’
I ran this VFP Form with no other Code, it opened and closed with no issues.
I then added an ‘ActiveX Control OLE Class MSCOMMLib.MSComm.1’ to the form.
I then ran the VFP Form again and when clicking the ‘Exit Program’ Command Button the application became ‘unresponsive’ for 60 Seconds and then closed.
The only time the problem (VFP being un-responsive for 60 Secs) seems to manifest itself is when I run VFP and VSPE together.
My VFP application works ok when connected directly to my Transceiver on Serial Port COM 3.
VSPE works ok with my Transceiver using other 3rd party applications.
Comms settings

* Command Button 1
thisform.transceiver.output = "FA003760000;" && Set Transceiver Frequency
* Command Button 2
thisform.transceiver.output = "FA007160000;" && Set Transceiver Frequency
* Command Button 'Exit Program'
thisform.transceiver.PortOpen = .F. && Release Comm Port