In installshield express you cannot only define installation directories, you can also define the read/write permissions there, no post-installation routine needed to set that.
Don't know if you ever used the installshiled express coming with VFP8/9, but it's quite simple: In an ISE project in the installation designer tab in section 2 - "Specify Application data" you choose "Files". There's a frame called "Destination computer's folders". You typically have [ProgramFilesFolder]/Companyname/Appname[INSTALLDIR] in there. If you want to change permission on that folder (not recommended, though) you can choose the INSTALLDIR, then rightclick, choose properties, click "Permissions" and then add the needed permissions there.
I've been using Inno Setup to do installations, and it's quite easy to manipulate permissions at install time. What the user had requested was a feature in the application that could change permissions after the install, i.e., at run time.
They just changed their mind and now no longer want the feature, so I consider this case closed. Thanks, Olaf.
In fact you can embed a manifest in a EXE that requires the user of it to elevate priviliges aka login as administrative user.
And then your app running with admin privileges can setup folder acess rights. Otherwise you can only do so for the folders you already have access rights to for other users.
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