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VFP 8.0 framework 2

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Jan 7, 2003
I am new with VFP. Which VFP framework is better for VFP 8.0?

I've checked the websites and I found out several frameworks for VFP 8.0. These are:

1. Codemine
2. Visual FoxExpress
3. Visual ProMatrix

Please advise and I'll appreciate your expert comments on the said framework

Thanks in advance.
A lot depends on your coding style, the types of applications you normally work with, your expertise and of course how much money and time you have to spend to "learn" the framework properly. You might want to start with and follow the numerous links.

I know people who have switched between them (in some cases going exactly the opposite way as the other person did!). Some like to take advantage of new VFP features with each new release and will offer many updates - which can make it difficult to keep up. Some take a while to integrate all the new features and others stay with the "tried-and-true" techniques.

Some are easier to convert the application to use client-server data backends, and others can be used to put the application on the web with just a couple changes.

I don't believe there is a "best" one - it all depends on you and your requirements!


First, welcome to VFP, and to the forum.

Re frameworks ... I've struggled with the same decision over the years. I finally decided not to use a commercial framework, but to develope my own simple framework, which I have done gradually over several projects.

My problem was that I didn't want to spend the time learning a framework, and I didn't necessarily like the way the frameworks did what I needed. However, that's just my view. Your own decision will depend on your circumstances (not to mention your temperament).


Mike Lewis
Edinburgh, Scotland

My Visual Foxpro web site: My Crystal Reports web site:
Being new to VFP, it may be educational to utilize a framework just to see how certain things are accomplished.

However, I think you may wish to build your own stuff from scratch first in order to truly understand what is involved. You may find, as I did, that you can build your own classes, etc ... which enable you to create applications very quickly and have a good handle on how they actually work.

The danger of buying a framework is that you trust the framework code without actually knowing how it works.

Then if something goes wrong you are at the mercy of the support from the company to survive. I do not like that position so I made my own.


I have also developed my own framework over time. The reason is because it is simple, but powerful.

Since I write software for clients, and sometimes I turn it over to them as part of the contract, I don't think it is fair for me to use a framework that is difficult for them to use or one they may not like.

Therefore, I found my own framework - simple but powerful works the best.

Jim Osieczonek
Delta Business Group, LLC
Thanks everyone!

Next question is where can i find a step-by-step guide to developing your own framework?


Next question is where can i find a step-by-step guide to developing your own framework?

The problem with developing your own framework is you need the experience of having seen what is available and having used many different frameworks and determining how your own framework would "work better for you", but I believe you mentionned that you are new at VFP. I'm not sure you will find a "How to build your own framework in VFP" out there. I would first start studying the "pseudo-framework" that comes with VFP (The wz~ classes), and there are free frameworks available on the internet. Then you may have a clearer idea of your own requirements.

Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first.

Probably.. not to get lost with terminologies and call FRAMEWORK etc..

In effect, start with your own CLASSes rolled out to handle data.. say.. a navigationVCRbuttons, a base form.. subclassed to another baseformA..to another baseformB ... to another BaseFormC. Then for handling REPORTS etc..

Can put in code unique for all your application in BaseFormA or BaseFormB and put code relevent to the project only in BaseFormC.. same for VCRbuttons, Grids etc

The idea is, you can copy the class to other projects.. and modify the codes in BseFormC only to suit that project, while all your functions will get derived from A or B level ones.

In my projects, I have even the main.prg or main starting form is a class which I can easily take project to project.

Hope you get the idea. :)

ramani - (Subramanian.G) :)

Next question is where can i find a step-by-step guide to developing your own framework?

Given that you are new to VFP, I suggest that you don't focus on creating a framework. Start by learning as much as you can about the practicalities of VFP programming, especially the OOP features.

Then, gradually start building classes, and let them eventually evolve into a framework. Don't expect to get it right first time.

When you have considerably more experience of VFP, you might decide to build an entire framework from the ground up. Until then, don't get bogged down in the issue of frameworks -- just start programming.


Mike Lewis
Edinburgh, Scotland

My Visual Foxpro web site: My Crystal Reports web site:
Great advice from Mike.
Just start programming.
As you program ... writing code ... creating forms... buttons, etc ... you will eventually see repetition that you can avoid by creating class libraries and then begin your form with a class from your library.

I have a standard MAIN.PRG that I begin each project with.
I have a class library with several basic classes which are the foundation of my most often utilized forms.
I have buttons in the class library which I can put on forms that perform a particular function which I use over and over.

As you program, it will just happen naturally. Not overnight, of course, but gradually.

Then you will re-write your class library as you get better ideas .... and on and on ... it never ends.

Good Luck.


Concerning the methods - think about the functionality you commonly use.

* General Classes
Read INI file
Write INI file
Read Registry
Write Registry

I also streamline my messagebox (see my FAQs) so the message is method.

* Connection Class in SQL or Oracle

Add the properties you use commonly.

I think you get the idea. Follow ramani’s suggestion to subclass vfp classes to fit your needs. Add your own buttons or other tools.

Add the methods and properties. It will build over time.

Jim Osieczonek
Delta Business Group, LLC
In addition to what has been said already I also should advice to write your own framework.
After having done so (which in fact costs much time...) I found there is a very good book giving you hands on almost every issue. '1001 things you wanted to know about visual foxpro'. This might also help you to built your own framework.
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