I want to use a query multiple times.
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as database.
The ADOMenus object is located in a DATA MODULE.
When I set a ADO Query on my form I have no error when I
set active property on false.
I use the following code:
if ADOMenus.active then ADOMenus.active := false;
ADOMenus.SQL.Text := SQLString;
ADOMenus.active := true;
SQL string contains a simple select statement.
He gives me the following error on the line adomenus.active := false;
I receive only the following
message when there are no records in adomenus.
'Project GMS.exe raised exception class EOleException with
message 'Either BOF of EOF is True, or the current record
has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record'. Process stopped£. Use Step or Run to continue'.
Can somebody explain this error.
Thanks for your time and answer
Devriendt Nico
I want to use a query multiple times.
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as database.
The ADOMenus object is located in a DATA MODULE.
When I set a ADO Query on my form I have no error when I
set active property on false.
I use the following code:
if ADOMenus.active then ADOMenus.active := false;
ADOMenus.SQL.Text := SQLString;
ADOMenus.active := true;
SQL string contains a simple select statement.
He gives me the following error on the line adomenus.active := false;
I receive only the following
message when there are no records in adomenus.
'Project GMS.exe raised exception class EOleException with
message 'Either BOF of EOF is True, or the current record
has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record'. Process stopped£. Use Step or Run to continue'.
Can somebody explain this error.
Thanks for your time and answer
Devriendt Nico