We converted to 7.6 from 7.5 sql.. Now, I am attempting to restore a back up from our fisical year end. This data was on the old version 7.5 sql.. I need one report from po (recv not invoiced). upon attempting to run I get an error prt.df.user. not found and the printdft.sql msl and then printdft.btr is not open.
Is there a utility to convert this data set to run on new platform. Or is this an unrelated error??
I can view data, run crystal against database and looks okay?? for the first time in my life i really need this report straight from macola..
Is there a utility to convert this data set to run on new platform. Or is this an unrelated error??
I can view data, run crystal against database and looks okay?? for the first time in my life i really need this report straight from macola..