Has anyone noticed some kind of slowdown with the processing of reports in the new version 7.1 of IWR and/or PPES? Some users complained about a loss in speed since the upgrade, I'm curious if this is a common problem...
The newer version is faster than the olders versions but probably the setting of your new installed software are still default. Did you compare the with your old (tuned) software envirnoment?
It's important to understand (especially in the case of IWR) where the slowdown is actually occuring. For example, if there is an IWR report that is running "slow" try opening it up in the client Impromptu tool first. If it runs slow there, you know it isn't an IWR issue. If it is fast there, then you might look at tweaking some settings on your PDF server -- by default the PDF server component creates "portable" PDF files which means it embeds ALL fonts installed on the server, into the pdf document (yes, can you say slooow) -- you can go into Configuration Manager, under the PDF server and change your server to only imbed a specified list of fonts (typically there are standard fonts your reports use) -- you maintain that option and the list of fonts there...
This is just one suggestion -- I'll need more data to comment further. But Christenhusz is correct, the MR2 version should be faster once it is configured "properly"..
On performance issues at least try to discard that it's a DNS problem.
Try that by changing the Gateways on Configuration Manager (Server Configuration) the server name by its I.P. address instead (reconfigurate Access Manager Directory Server pointing to the IP).
So an installation procedure AGAIN??
Does anyone know if MR1 available yet?
Other experiences after a few weeks of using 7.1 indicate a less stable package overall.
-- Powerplay tends to crash, the local version and the enterprise version, when we suppress zero-values.
--Users are locked out of access manager, reports all of a sudden don't run correctly anymore
--Can't apply settings in configuration manager (wait 5 minutes, and then it DOES work... weird!)
It's these 'small' things that ruin a bit of the fun working with cognos...
I had upgrade from mr2 to v7.1 on sun solaris. We notice a huge performance issues on PowerPlay Web. We don't have problem with dynamic interface but the enchance interface take twice as long in PowerPlay web. Help...
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