I have seen postings on solutions in regards to e-mail issues but non on Database issues which is what I belive this to be. The backups are failing. Any help would be aprreciated. Thanks
WARNING: "\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\MSDesigners98\mdt2g.dll" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
A failure occurred while scanning the objects contained in \Program
Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSDesigners98.
Not all objects contained within were backed up.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
File "Alerts.ldb" in use - Backed up.
File "Alerts.mdb" in use - Backed up.
WARNING: "\Program Files\Hptt\Data\Alerts.mdb" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
File "Meds.ldb" in use - Backed up.
File "Meds.mdb" in use - Backed up.
A failure occurred while scanning the objects contained in \Program
Not all objects contained within were backed up.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
File "SchedLog.Txt" in use - Backed up.
WARNING: "\WINNT\system32\msdxm.ocx" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
A failure occurred while scanning the objects contained in \WINNT\system32.
Not all objects contained within were backed up.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
File "dacscm.dbg" in use - Backed up.
WARNING: "\WINNT\system32\DacServ\drvinst.exe" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
A failure occurred while scanning the objects contained in
Not all objects contained within were backed up.
This is just a snipit of it.