Does anyone know if there is a statement in SQL that can check for the existance of a table in the database?
I am using Access (for development than I upsize to SQLServer). My app requires that I create tables dynamically. There are certain situations where I need to check if table that I am attempting to get into exists or not. If the table doesn't exist, I want to run a page that let's the user know of the error -
I'm thinking that there must be a statement that allows me to view the names of all the tables in my database - if this is true, I'm home free...
I am using Access (for development than I upsize to SQLServer). My app requires that I create tables dynamically. There are certain situations where I need to check if table that I am attempting to get into exists or not. If the table doesn't exist, I want to run a page that let's the user know of the error -
I'm thinking that there must be a statement that allows me to view the names of all the tables in my database - if this is true, I'm home free...