I've posted this question elsewhere, but no one seems to know how to fix the code...
Before importing from a CSV, I'm trying to verify:
1) How many fields are present before importing a csv file
2) If the number of fields is correct, are the field names correct as well...
The CSV file uses tab as the delimiter with no text qualifier with field names in the first row. If the CSV is verified as correct, the append query is run, transferring the data from the CSV that is a linked table.
This is the code so far, and it doesn't work
There are no errors, it just doesn't get past the first If statement. UBound always returns 0.
Can someone take a look and see if they can tell why this isn't working?
Thank you!!!
Before importing from a CSV, I'm trying to verify:
1) How many fields are present before importing a csv file
2) If the number of fields is correct, are the field names correct as well...
The CSV file uses tab as the delimiter with no text qualifier with field names in the first row. If the CSV is verified as correct, the append query is run, transferring the data from the CSV that is a linked table.
This is the code so far, and it doesn't work
Function testCoRecordsCSV()
On Error GoTo testCoRecordsCSV_Err
Dim intFile As Integer
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim varFields As Variant
strFile = "c:\company\corecords.csv"
If Len(Dir(strFile)) > 0 Then
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Input As #intFile
Line Input #intFile, strBuffer
Close #intFile
varFields = Split(strFile, Chr(9))
If UBound(varFields) <> 9 Then
MsgBox "The file does not have 10 fields in it"
If varFields(0) <> "Test1" Or _
varFields(2) <> "Test2" Or _
varFields(3) <> "Test3" Or _
varFields(4) <> "Test4" Or _
varFields(5) <> "Test5" Or _
varFields(6) <> "Test6" Or _
varFields(7) <> "Test7" Or _
varFields(8) <> "Test8" Or _
varFields(9) <> "Test9" Or _
varFields(10) <> "Test10" Then
MsgBox "The ten field names do not match"
CurrentDb.Execute "APPEND_A_1_corecords", dbFailOnError
MsgBox "File Appended"
End If
End If
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume testCoRecordsCSV_Exit
End Function
There are no errors, it just doesn't get past the first If statement. UBound always returns 0.
Can someone take a look and see if they can tell why this isn't working?
Thank you!!!