Can anyone tell me if the following information is correct? I am trying to upgrade a VB 6.0 application to use the CR XI report designer component. I got the following instructions from the BI site, but for me, they are backwards. At Number 5, where they refer to going to the Project - Components menu to open the 'project components" dialog box and "Add the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library 11 control" , this selection is available for me in the 'project - references choice. Can anyone shed any light on this?
1. Open the application in VB.
2. From the 'Project' menu click 'References' to open the 'Project References' dialog box.
3. Select the 'Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Runtime Library 11.0' reference.
4. Remove all the older Crystal viewers from all VB forms.
5. From the 'Project' menu click 'Components' to open the 'Project Components' dialog box. Add the 'Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library 11' control.
6. Open the VB Toolbox and select the 'CrystalActiveXReportViewer' control.
7. Add the 'CrystalActiveXReportViewer' to the VB form and resize it to its original dimension.
1. Open the application in VB.
2. From the 'Project' menu click 'References' to open the 'Project References' dialog box.
3. Select the 'Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Runtime Library 11.0' reference.
4. Remove all the older Crystal viewers from all VB forms.
5. From the 'Project' menu click 'Components' to open the 'Project Components' dialog box. Add the 'Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library 11' control.
6. Open the VB Toolbox and select the 'CrystalActiveXReportViewer' control.
7. Add the 'CrystalActiveXReportViewer' to the VB form and resize it to its original dimension.