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Vectors: outflowcalls vs inflowcalls

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Technical User
Oct 20, 2005
1) I am doing some reporting on the main support number coming into the business. This number has 5 options (vectors). However, when I add up the number of inflowcalls for the 5 vectors they are less than the number of outflowcalls from the starting point vector.

Can any one explain why this might be?

2) I have also found out that these vectors relate to 2 VDNs. The VDN that is the main support number, and a second VDN that is used when calls are transferred?. Does these mean that some calls are in effect counted twice if the call has been transferred. I am not sure if this impacts on my first question

Many thanks
Are you reporting at the vdn or skill level.

Are you looking at Daily or Interval reports.

Do you have calls coming into one vdn, with an attached vector and then depending on what menu option is chosen, the call routes to another vdn for reporting purposes. If so do you have 5 different vdn's for the 5 options.

Let me know and I'll be able to answer your question in more detail.

[Started on Version 3 software 15 years a go]
Abandoned calls are counted separately

I am using Vector reports (Historical, Vector, Vector Monthly) because the requirent is to count the number of calls going through each Vector (and what happens to them - abandoned, force disconnect, pass to split skill)

For the scenario I mentioned in my question 1, the calls come into one VDN to a single vector which offers 5 options, each option being a different vector. These 5 vectors are all on the same VDN. These 5 vectors offer more options and further down the options calls may go to a different VDN/split skill to be answered - but at the moment I am only interested in trying to understand why the calls coming into the 5 vectors do not add up to the total of calls that went out of single vector

Not sure if this fully answers your questions?

It might be helpful if you can post the main vector (the one with 5 options) - that way we can see if there's anything that might be counted as an outflow that doesn't flow into another vector.

You really should report at a vdn level, not the vector level. But each to their own as they say.

If the numbers don't add up, let us see the first vector.

Also do a "lis usa vec xxx" to see what is using the vector. There might be another vdn pointing to your vector that you're not aware off.

[Started on Version 3 software 15 years a go]
As you might have guessed this is not exactly my area of expertise...

I can see that using a VDN report makes sense as using the Vector report means you could be including more than one VDN when I am only interested in calls on one particular VDN.

However, when I try using the VDN reports I can only see the top level vector. So, I get for VDN "Mainline", the Vector listed is "1" and inbound calls are 20,000, Aban calls are 100 etc etc. The report doesn't show the split of what happens to the 20,000 calls after "Vector 1" routes to the calls through the 5 vectors that point to it, which is what I am interested in (basically the business wnats to see volumes of calls through each option to check that the messages and options are the most appropriate)

I'll look into the other points raised.

Thanks for you help
On vector 1 you will have a collect digit step after an announcement is played.

i.e. press 1 for sales, 2 for customer service, 3 for technical etc.

On vector 1 you need to have steps that say: -

route to xxxx if digits =1
route to xxxx if digits =2

and so on where xxxx are different vdn numbers.

Let me see what your vector 1 looks like and I'll re-write it for you.

[Started on Version 3 software 15 years a go]
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