vDate = new Date(); // set default date
vMonth = vDate.getMonth();
vMonth = vMonth + 1;
if (vMonth<10) vMonth = ("0" + vMonth.toString());
vDay = vDate.getDate();
if (vDay<10) vDay = ("0" + vDay.toString());
vYear = vDate.getYear();
sDate = (vMonth + "/" + vDay + "/" + vYear);
document.frmOrder.ordDate.value = sDate;
this works fine in i.e. however, in netscape it displays 100 as the century. are their any alternatives?
vMonth = vDate.getMonth();
vMonth = vMonth + 1;
if (vMonth<10) vMonth = ("0" + vMonth.toString());
vDay = vDate.getDate();
if (vDay<10) vDay = ("0" + vDay.toString());
vYear = vDate.getYear();
sDate = (vMonth + "/" + vDay + "/" + vYear);
document.frmOrder.ordDate.value = sDate;
this works fine in i.e. however, in netscape it displays 100 as the century. are their any alternatives?