When I run this script a Windows box appears that says "Open File - Security Warning. Do you want to run this file?"
I don't know how to pre-answer that question so I can run the script quietly.
I got this script from someone else and don't really know much about it. I think I am including the part that needs editing to eliminate that 'yes' answer.
'Run correct patch install
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Select Case Left(strOSVer, 3)
Case "5.1"
'Windows XP
If Left(strSysType,3) = "X86" Then
'x86 PC
objShell.Run strPath_XPx86 & " /quiet /log:C:\KB943729.log",0,True
ElseIf Left(strSysType,3) = "X64" Then
'x64 PC
objShell.Run strPath_XPx64 & " /quiet /log:C:\KB943729.log",0,True
End If
End Select
I don't know how to pre-answer that question so I can run the script quietly.
I got this script from someone else and don't really know much about it. I think I am including the part that needs editing to eliminate that 'yes' answer.
'Run correct patch install
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Select Case Left(strOSVer, 3)
Case "5.1"
'Windows XP
If Left(strSysType,3) = "X86" Then
'x86 PC
objShell.Run strPath_XPx86 & " /quiet /log:C:\KB943729.log",0,True
ElseIf Left(strSysType,3) = "X64" Then
'x64 PC
objShell.Run strPath_XPx64 & " /quiet /log:C:\KB943729.log",0,True
End If
End Select