Hi Team,
I found this scrit below that search for files by their extention and save the result to html file.T Excelent, that's what I'd like and looking for to use.
Is it possible to modify it to meet what w want to acomplesh as below:
* I whant the script to search specific file name ie. "123.XML" from a location like "%username%\Application Data\ADOBE\2345" using a text file with a list of network PCs and display result with the path.
Your help is appreciated. ta
Description in English:'It is a Vbscript to search for files by their extensions'and generate search results in a Table in HTML with quote information'on these files such that their paths, creation date, modification date, size and attributes'and display thumbnails of image types diffrent when searching'Eg if the search includes image files will be displayed as thumbnails'*****************************************************************************************************************
I found this scrit below that search for files by their extention and save the result to html file.T Excelent, that's what I'd like and looking for to use.
Is it possible to modify it to meet what w want to acomplesh as below:
* I whant the script to search specific file name ie. "123.XML" from a location like "%username%\Application Data\ADOBE\2345" using a text file with a list of network PCs and display result with the path.
Your help is appreciated. ta
Description in English:'It is a Vbscript to search for files by their extensions'and generate search results in a Table in HTML with quote information'on these files such that their paths, creation date, modification date, size and attributes'and display thumbnails of image types diffrent when searching'Eg if the search includes image files will be displayed as thumbnails'*****************************************************************************************************************
Dim fso, OutFile, sDrv, sFName, sReport, sFile, sTitle ,strHTML
sTitle = "Recherche des Fichiers Par leurs Extensions © Hackoo"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
OutFile = "Recherche.html"
If fso.FileExists(OutFile) Then fso.DeleteFile(OutFile)
Set sReport = fso.OpenTextFile(OutFile, 8, True)
sDrv = InputBox("Entrez la lettre du lecteur à la recherche (lettre seulement)" & vbcrlf&_
"ou bien " & vbcrlf & "(Saisissez * pour rechercher dans toutes les lettres de lecteur local)", sTitle)
If sDrv = "" Then WScript.Quit
sFName = InputBox ("Entrez l'extension du fichier à rechercher exemple JPG ou bien GIF ou bien DOC ou bien XLS etc ....", sTitle)
If sFName = "" Then WScript.Quit
strHTML="<html><body text=white bgcolor=#1234568><style type='text/css'>"&_
"a:link {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:visited {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:active {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:hover {color: #FF9900;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);}"&_
strHTML=strHTML &"<center><h2><B> <font color=Red>[COUNT] </font>Fichiers Trouvés dont l'extension est <font color=red>"""& sFName &""" </font> sur le lecteur <font color=red>"& UCase(sDrv) & ":</B></font></h2></center>"&_
"<center><table border='3' cellpadding='1' style='border-collapse: collapse; font size:11pt' bordercolor='#CCCCCC' width='100%' id='Table1'></center>" & _
"<td><center><strong>Date de Création</strong></center></td>"& _
"<td><center><strong>Date de Modification</strong></center></td>"&_
If sDrv = "*" Then
Dim d,dc,racine
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set dc = fso.Drives
For Each d in dc
racine = d.Driveletter & ":"
If d.IsReady Then
GetResults racine , sFName
End If
GetResults sDrv & ":", sFName
End If
sReport.WriteLine strHTML &"</table></body></html>"
Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run OutFile
Sub GetResults(drv, fname)
On Error Resume Next
Dim sWQL, oFile, sAttrib,sFilePath,size
ext = Array("png","jpg","jpeg","gif","bmp","psd","tif")
sWQL = "select * from cim_datafile where Drive='" & _
drv & "' AND Extension = '" & fname & "'"
Results = 0
For Each oFile In GetObject("winmgmts:").execquery(sWQL)
Results = Results + 1
sFile = oFile.Name
Set f = fso.GetFile(sFile)
SizeKo = Round(FormatNumber(f.Size)/(1024),0) & " Ko" 'Taille en Ko
SizeMo = Round(FormatNumber(f.Size)/(1048576),0) & " Mo" 'Taille en Mo
SizeGo = Round(FormatNumber(f.Size)/(1073741824),0) & " Go" 'Taille en Go
If f.size < 1024 Then
Size = f.size & " Octets"
elseif f.size < 1048576 Then
Size = SizeKo
elseif f.size < 1073741824 Then
Size = SizeMo
Size = SizeGo
end if
sFilePath = f.Path
If oFile.Archive Then sAttrib = "Archive "
If oFile.Compressed Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Compressé "
If oFile.Encrypted Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Crypté "
If oFile.Hidden Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Caché "
If oFile.System Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Système "
If oFile.Readable Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Lecture "
If oFile.Writeable Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Ecriture "
If UCase(ext(0)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(1)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name))or UCase(ext(2)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(3)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(4)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(5)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(6)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) Then
ImgFileName = oFile.Name
strHTML=strHTML & "<tr><td><center><a target=_Blank href='"& sFilePath &"'>"&ImgFileName&"<br><img src='"& sFilePath &"' border=1 height=50 width=80></center></td><td><center>" & f.DateCreated & "</center></td>" & _
"<td><center>" & f.DateLastModified & "</center></td><td><center>"& Size & "</center></td>"&_
"<td><center>" & sAttrib & "</center></td></tr>"
strHTML=strHTML & "<tr><td><a target=_Blank href='" & sFilePath & "'>" & _
sFilePath & "</a></td><td><center>" & f.DateCreated & "</center></td>" & _
"<td><center>" & f.DateLastModified & "</center></td><td><center>"& Size & "</center></td>"&_
"<td><center>" & sAttrib & "</center></td></tr>"
end if
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "[COUNT]", Results)
End Sub