Currently I'm using gfi on exchange 2003 to set a html signature for all outbound emails. The problem is the bit before that, ie. the 'regards, <username>,<user jobtitle>
I need this part to appear automatically for the user the first time they log on to a PC and when they select to create a new email, as apparenlty its too much to expect a user to set this themselves. Currently I'm using a vbscript to do this and its all abit long winded. Is there an easier way? please tell!!!
Currently I'm using gfi on exchange 2003 to set a html signature for all outbound emails. The problem is the bit before that, ie. the 'regards, <username>,<user jobtitle>
I need this part to appear automatically for the user the first time they log on to a PC and when they select to create a new email, as apparenlty its too much to expect a user to set this themselves. Currently I'm using a vbscript to do this and its all abit long winded. Is there an easier way? please tell!!!