Technical User
Hello there,
I made a backup script that Zips some files, and copy them to a remote location. The Script calls a zip program command line, and process the next line ...
I need that the script waits the External command finishes to go on ...
I´m having problems with the script running the next lines without finishing Zip the files ...
Does anyone have any idea of how make this script know when to go on ?
I made a backup script that Zips some files, and copy them to a remote location. The Script calls a zip program command line, and process the next line ...
I need that the script waits the External command finishes to go on ...
I´m having problems with the script running the next lines without finishing Zip the files ...
WshShell.Run ("J:\Filzip\Filzip.exe -a -f J:\"& WshNetwork.UserName&"\"& WshNetwork.UserName & ".zip " & Chr(34) & sUserProfile & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\*.pst" & Chr(34),1)