This script works perfectly if an admin user is logged in, but with a standard user, rather than opening multiple URLs in separate tabs in IE like it's supposed to, it opens the first (main) URL multiple times, and ignores the other URLs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
main = "wwatty = "wwcourse = "wwattd = "inscse = "
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
oIE.Visible = True
'open a new window
'open IE maximized
oIE.Left = 0
oIE.Top = 0
oIE.TheaterMode = True
iHeight = oIE.Height
iWidth = oIE.Width
oIE.TheaterMode = False
oIE.Height = iHeight
oIE.Width = iWidth
oIE.Navigate2 main
'open url In new tab
oIE.Navigate2 wwatty, 2048
oIE.Navigate2 wwcourse, 2048
oIE.Navigate2 wwattd, 2048
oIE.Navigate2 inscse, 2048
oIE.Visible = True
Set oIE = Nothing
main = "wwatty = "wwcourse = "wwattd = "inscse = "
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
oIE.Visible = True
'open a new window
'open IE maximized
oIE.Left = 0
oIE.Top = 0
oIE.TheaterMode = True
iHeight = oIE.Height
iWidth = oIE.Width
oIE.TheaterMode = False
oIE.Height = iHeight
oIE.Width = iWidth
oIE.Navigate2 main
'open url In new tab
oIE.Navigate2 wwatty, 2048
oIE.Navigate2 wwcourse, 2048
oIE.Navigate2 wwattd, 2048
oIE.Navigate2 inscse, 2048
oIE.Visible = True
Set oIE = Nothing