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VBScript request

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Feb 27, 2007
I'd like to have a script that scans either the network or computers listed in a file for the following information:

DNS name
Dell Service Tag
Express Service Code (optional)
Dell Model/Make (ie GX270 etc)

...and then pipe this output to a csv/txt file.

Easy enough? ;)

Any help appreciated.
Here is one I used to check if the battery was faulty.
You can modify it to just run on Laptops, up to you.

Dim oWMI, fso
Dim HW, HW2, instance, item, bversion
Dim  strComputer,strManufacturer,strModel,strBios,strserial
Dim BadList
Dim colBatteries, oBattery
Dim bFound, strMessage, iButtons, message
Dim bBatch
'Run this script once to record all computers
Dim varToday, Verify, DellBattery, LastRun
Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
varToday = DellBattery

Verify = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\MyInstallsAndFixes\" 

 'Check if scan has run today and if so exit
On Error Resume Next
LastRun = WshShell.RegRead(Verify & "DellBattery")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
   WshShell.RegWrite Verify & "DellBattery", 0,"REG_DWORD"
End If
On Error GoTo 0 'This turns on error handling
bBatch = True
bFound = False
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
dim quote, strArgs, i
iButtons = 64 'vbinformation + vbOKOnly
BadList = Array("3K590","59474","6P922","C2603","C5339","C5340","C5446","C6269", _
"C6270",  "D2961","D5555","D6024","D6025","F2100","F5132","GD785","H3191","JD616", _ 
"JD617","KD494","M3006","RD857","TD349","U5867","U5882","W5915","X5308","X5329", _ 
'On Error Resume Next

If WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then
strComputer = WScript.Arguments(0)
bBatch = True

If (Not IsCScript()) Then   'If not CScript, re-run with cscript...
 For i  = WScript.Arguments.Count -1 to  0 Step -1
 strArgs = WScript.Arguments(i) & Space(1) &  strArgs

WshShell.Run "CScript.exe " & quote & WScript.ScriptFullName & quote & space(1) & strArgs, 1, true
   WScript.Quit             '...and stop running as WScript
End If

strComputer = "."

End If 
If strcomputer = "" Then WScript.Quit
strComputer = UCase(strComputer)
'If bBatch Then 'If you got computername from command line, log results
Dim bHeader,logfile,appendout
'logfile = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%") & "\desktop\DellBatteries.csv" 
logfile = "\\gtdbn1\ServerLogonLogs\DellBatteries.csv"

Const ForAppend = 8
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FileExists(logfile) then bHeader = True
Set appendout = fso.OpenTextFile(logfile, ForAppend, True)
If bHeader Then appendout.WriteLine "System,Man.,Model,BIOS,SN,Bat. DevID,Bat. Name,Message" 'Header only if new file
'End If 
Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts://"& strComputer)
If Err <> 0 Then
iButtons = 16
echoandlog ",,,,,,Failed:" & Err.Description 
End If
Set HW = oWMI.ExecQuery("select Manufacturer,Model from Win32_ComputerSystem")
For each instance in HW
strManufacturer = trim(Instance.Manufacturer)
strModel = trim(Instance.Model)
strComputer = instance.name
Set HW2 = oWMI.ExecQuery("select name,Version,SerialNumber from Win32_BIOS")
For each item in HW2 'not all manufacturers make this info available
if item.name = "Default System BIOS" then 
 Bversion = trim(item.Version)
 Bversion = item.name & " " & trim(item.Version)
End If

 strBios = bversion
 strSerial = trim(Item.SerialNumber)

message = strManufacturer & ","  & strModel & "," & _
strBios & ","  & strserial 
Set colBatteries = oWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT deviceid, Name FROM Win32_Battery", ,48)

For Each oBattery In colBatteries
  check oBattery.Name, oBattery.DeviceID
If Not bFound Then strMessage =  ",,No battery found"
If iButtons = 64 and bFound Then strMessage = strMessage & "Battery okay"
message = message & "," & strMessage 
echoandlog message
Set oWMI = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Set WshShell = Nothing
' Functions and subs 
Sub Check(strName, strID)
Dim i
bFound = True
strMessage =  strID & "," & strName & ","

For i = 0 To UBound(Badlist)
If instr(ucase(strName),badlist(i)) > 0  Then 
 iButtons = 16
 strMessage = strMessage & "This battery needs to be replaced!"  
End If 
End Sub 

Sub EchoAndLog (message)
Dim tArray
If bBatch = true Then
'Echo output and write to Log
message = strComputer & "," & message 
'Wscript.Echo message
AppendOut.WriteLine message
tArray = Split(message,",")
message = "Man.:" & vbTab & tArray(0) & VbCrLf & _
"Model:" & vbTab & tArray(1) & VbCrLf & _
"BIOS:" & vbTab & tArray(2) & VbCrLf & _
"SN:" & vbTab & tArray(3) & VbCrLf 

If UBound(tarray) >= 4 Then  
 message = message & "DevID:" & vbTab & tArray(4) & VbCrLf
End If 

If UBound(tarray) >= 5 Then  
 message = message & "Name:" & vbTab & tArray(5) & VbCrLf 
End If 

If UBound(tarray) >= 6 Then    
 message = message & "Message:" & vbTab & tArray(6)
End If 

MsgBox message, iButtons,strcomputer
End If 
End Sub
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Part and Inventory Search

