I have made some custom aspx pages for IIS so when I get something like a http 401 error, IIS send the user to the chosen aspx page. All works well except that I have used vb script to grab things like refering urls etc and to write it to a text area so a user can copy and paste it into an email to me.
My code is (within a text area form element):
Problem is, when I try this locally on my machine, all works fine or if I VPN into the network (its an intranet) all works, but users email me the contents of the text area and it shows all the vbscript.
Any ideas why this happens?
I have made some custom aspx pages for IIS so when I get something like a http 401 error, IIS send the user to the chosen aspx page. All works well except that I have used vb script to grab things like refering urls etc and to write it to a text area so a user can copy and paste it into an email to me.
My code is (within a text area form element):
Requested document =
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
dim strURL
strURL = request.servervariables("url")
Query string =
dim strQST
strQST = request.servervariables("Query_String")
Current domain =
dim strDOM
strDOM = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")
Refering URL =
dim strREF
strREF = request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER")
Problem is, when I try this locally on my machine, all works fine or if I VPN into the network (its an intranet) all works, but users email me the contents of the text area and it shows all the vbscript.
Any ideas why this happens?