Richtoss (IS/IT--Management) Oct 7, 2008
I am struggeling on how to write a simple script. Here is a line of information.
information ODD 2000 025252552
000000000000000002000001test email adderss
What I would like to write a VB script to do is go read through a file and every time it sees a line that starts with 0150000103 then to read across that line and replace a selected character. For example if I find 0150000103 then in that line find character 255 and what ever it is replace it with a value. I also want that value to count up by one for each occurance. I have been able to think of a few ways that get me close but cant quite find the correct answer any help is appreciated.
Have a look at the Left and Mid functions:
newLine = Left(oldLine, 254) & newValue & Mid(oldLine, 256)
newValue = newValue + 1
POST 3 Part I am stuck on........
Do Until myNewTextFile.AtEndofStream
If Trim(Mid(LineCheck, 1, 10)) <> "0150000103" Then
NextLine = myNewTextFile.ReadLine
If Trim(Mid(NextLine, 1, 10)) = "0150000103" Then NextLine = Left(nextline, 254)& newValue & Mid(nextline, 256)
newValue = newValue + 1
msgbox nextline
End If
End If
How do I actualy get it to put the new values in the file. I understand the statement about what if it is more than 1 digit and I can just make it like a 4 digit field which should work as well.
I can get it to return the values I want in a message box but they do not write to the file.
Richtoss (IS/IT--Management) Oct 7, 2008
I am struggeling on how to write a simple script. Here is a line of information.
information ODD 2000 025252552
000000000000000002000001test email adderss
What I would like to write a VB script to do is go read through a file and every time it sees a line that starts with 0150000103 then to read across that line and replace a selected character. For example if I find 0150000103 then in that line find character 255 and what ever it is replace it with a value. I also want that value to count up by one for each occurance. I have been able to think of a few ways that get me close but cant quite find the correct answer any help is appreciated.
Have a look at the Left and Mid functions:
newLine = Left(oldLine, 254) & newValue & Mid(oldLine, 256)
newValue = newValue + 1
POST 3 Part I am stuck on........
Do Until myNewTextFile.AtEndofStream
If Trim(Mid(LineCheck, 1, 10)) <> "0150000103" Then
NextLine = myNewTextFile.ReadLine
If Trim(Mid(NextLine, 1, 10)) = "0150000103" Then NextLine = Left(nextline, 254)& newValue & Mid(nextline, 256)
newValue = newValue + 1
msgbox nextline
End If
End If
How do I actualy get it to put the new values in the file. I understand the statement about what if it is more than 1 digit and I can just make it like a 4 digit field which should work as well.
I can get it to return the values I want in a message box but they do not write to the file.