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VBScript Exchange only returns up to 'R'

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Technical User
Jan 26, 2007

Knowing which forum to place this one in is a little tricky so looking at similar posts, I have chosen this one. Appologies if you don't agree...

Anyway, I have a script that pulls out all email addresses into a csv file, but it is only returning users up to 'R'. The script doesn't error and I can't see any reason for it in AD, Exchange or the script itself. Would anybody be able to shed any light on this?

Here is the script:

Set rootDSE=GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
DomainContainer = rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
csvFile = "C:\e-mails.csv"
Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(csvFile) Then
	Set emFile = fso.CreateTextFile ("c:\e-mails.csv")
	Set emFile = fso.CreateTextFile ("c:\e-mails.csv")
End If

Set connDb = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connDb.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
connDb.Open "ADs Provider"

ldapStr = "<LDAP://" & DomainContainer & ">;(& (mailnickname=*) (| (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(homeMDB=*))(!(msExchHomeServerName=*)))(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(|(homeMDB=*)(msExchHomeServerName=*))) ));adspath;subtree"

Set rs = connDb.Execute(ldapStr)

While Not rs.EOF
	Set oUser = GetObject (rs.Fields(0).Value)
	emFile.Write oUser.displayName &  "," 
	      for each email in oUser.proxyAddresses  
	          If InStr(email,"@myChosenDomain.co.uk") Then
	          	emFile.Write email & ","
	      	  End If
	        emFile.WriteLine ""

Many thanks in advance.

Would the number of entries up to R be about 1000? Search on the web and you will find that there is an implicit limit on the number of records returned. The only way that I know to get around it is to use the ADODB.COmmand object and explicitly set it's PageSize property. Here is an example:

Set oRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
strDNC = oRootDSE.get("defaultNamingContext")
strPCQuery = "<LDAP://" & strDNC & ">;(objectCategory=computer)" & ";distinguishedName,name;subtree"
Set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
oConnection.Open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;"
oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConnection
oCommand.CommandText = strPCQuery
oCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 100
Set oRecordSet = oCommand.Execute

This pulls the data for every computer in a domain.

[red]"... isn't sanity really just a one trick pony anyway?! I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you are good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit!" - The Tick[/red]
Yes. That will be it, because the original CSV file has exactly 1000 entries. I didn't notice this as I started deleting unwanted address and sorting the data.

Many thanks

Thanks EBgreen.

For anyone who whats a script to pull / get all email addresses out of Microsoft Exchange / AD, here is my script. Yes there are other and better ways...

One can set 'applyFilter' to false. This turns off the filter that shows only one domains email.

' Settings - Change these as required
applyFilter = True 'Set to false if you want to return all email address for a user
				   'as opposed to just one domain.
filterDomain = "@familymosaic.co.uk"
csvFile = "C:\e-mails.csv" 'output file name and location

'End settings

Set rootDSE=GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
DomainContainer = rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")

Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(csvFile) Then
	Set emFile = fso.CreateTextFile ("c:\e-mails.csv")
	Set emFile = fso.CreateTextFile ("c:\e-mails.csv")
End If

Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
oConn.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
oConn.Open "ADs Provider"

ldapStr = "<LDAP://" & DomainContainer & ">;(& (mailnickname=*) (| (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(homeMDB=*))(!(msExchHomeServerName=*)))(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(|(homeMDB=*)(msExchHomeServerName=*))) ));adspath;subtree"

oCmd.ActiveConnection = oConn
oCmd.CommandText = ldapStr
oCmd.Properties("Page Size") = 2000 'make sure this value is greater than the number of user entries in AD.

Set oRecordSet = oCmd.Execute
WScript.echo "Please wait... Gathering users' email addresses."
count = 0
While Not oRecordSet.EOF
	Set oUser = GetObject (oRecordSet.Fields(0).Value)
	emFile.Write oUser.displayName &  "," 
	      for each email in oUser.proxyAddresses  
	          If applyFilter = True Then 
		          If InStr(email,filterDomain) Then 'use to filter 
		          	emFile.Write email & ","
		      	  	count = count +1
		      	  End If
		       	 emFile.Write email & ","
		         count = count +1
		       End If
	      emFile.WriteLine ""
WScript.Echo "Finished collecting email addresses. There are " & count & " addresses."

Many thanks

I have ammended the LDAP string to excluded disabled accounts. Basically it says ...and (don't)(!) show disabled accounts.

For example:

Here is the new code in ldapStr:
ldapStr = "<LDAP://" & DomainContainer & ">;(& (mailnickname=*) (| (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)" &_
			"(objectClass=user)(|(homeMDB=*)"& _
			"(msExchHomeServerName=*))) ));adspath;subtree"
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