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VBScript & Editing Registry on XP Professional

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Technical User
Sep 23, 2003
The following is a part of the login script that I'm writing. It works on our Win2k boxes but not on our XP Pro boxes. The drives and printer both map properly but I can't seem to get the background image and screen saver setting to work. I'm editing these settings in the registry and it works fine on Win2k. Any suggestions?

WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "w:", "\\server\folder"
WshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\server\printer"
WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter "\\server\printer"

'Set Background
sWallPaper = "\\server\path\image.bmp"

'Update in registry
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\TileWallpaper","0","REG_SZ"

oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Control Panel\Colors\Background","0 0 128","REG_SZ"

oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\Wallpaper", sWallPaper

oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\SCRNSAVE.EXE", sWinDir & "\ssmarque.scr","REG_SZ"

oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\ScreenSaveTimeOut","900","REG_SZ"

oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Control Panel\Screen Saver.Marquee\Text","Message Here","REG_SZ"

'Refresh Screen to Display Image

oShell.Run _
"%windir%\System32\RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters", _
1, True
Is it setting the registry elements but not actually applying to the workstation? If so, you will want to check your Active Desktop setting.

Are you in a Domain? If so you should look at using Group Policy to set this.

I hope you find this post helpful. Please let me know if it was.


Thanks for responding. After the script runs, the changes aren't even appied to the registry (even after rebooting).
I didn't see this before but the script you posted is missing:

Set oShell = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

I hope you find this post helpful. Please let me know if it was.


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