What's the differnce between this:<br><br><%@ Language=VBScript %> <br>where everthing is can be put in between <%...%><br>when ever you like.<br><br>and this, which seems very much like Visual Basic<br><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"><br> Sub BtnHellnClick<br> MsgBox "Hello World!", 0, "My first active document"<br> End Sub<br></SCRIPT><br><br>Where everthing must be in between the <br><Script><br>.....<br></Script><br><br>I know that the second one only works in IE-5<br><br>TIA <p>DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br> Ask me how Bar-codes can help you be more productive.