Everything was going great - I had a plan. Whenever I used any dates in my ASP app I made sure they went into the Access database in mid format: 12-Jun-2001 12:03:00.
I thought this would solve the international date format problems that would crop up, but oh no. I've created all of the back end and that works fine, but now I come to get dates back out of Access it's giving me them in the usual cryptic style of 03/06/2001 - is it the 3rd of June or the 6th of May? From my applications point of view, I just don't know..and as this is for a group calendar, it's "fairly" important to get this right!
My question then (sorry for the waffle but this is really stumping me and I like to write things out when my brain aches)
>> "Is there a sure fire way to always get a date out of Access in a format you know will be consistent around the world?" <<
Oh, dates are such a pain. It's taken me nearly a week just to write the validation and event creation stuff, and now I'm doing the display of the calendar this happens! Please help me...puh-lease!
I thought this would solve the international date format problems that would crop up, but oh no. I've created all of the back end and that works fine, but now I come to get dates back out of Access it's giving me them in the usual cryptic style of 03/06/2001 - is it the 3rd of June or the 6th of May? From my applications point of view, I just don't know..and as this is for a group calendar, it's "fairly" important to get this right!
My question then (sorry for the waffle but this is really stumping me and I like to write things out when my brain aches)
>> "Is there a sure fire way to always get a date out of Access in a format you know will be consistent around the world?" <<
Oh, dates are such a pain. It's taken me nearly a week just to write the validation and event creation stuff, and now I'm doing the display of the calendar this happens! Please help me...puh-lease!