I've done some research and can't seem to figure this out. I have a webform in which I am passing data through a querystring to a pop-up window. However, one of the controls on my form is a multi-line textarea. I need to pass the contents of the textarea into the querystring when the contents are on several lines. I know that I need to use the vbcrlf function and do something like Replace("vbcrlf", "<br> and I know in general what it does, but I'm stuck on how to go about implementing this. Could someone give me some pointers that will get me going in the right direction?
Here is my textarea contol and link to the popup window:
<textarea name="instructions" style="WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 115px" tabindex="39" disabled rows="1" cols="20"><%Response.Write rsSelectGroup("INSTRUCTIONS")%>
<center><a href="JavaScript://" onclick="win1=openNewWindow('PrintTransaction.asp?TransactionID=<%=TransacID%>&Instructions=<%=Instructions%>', 'saPrint', 600, 400, 'scrollbars,location,status,menubar,toolbar,resizable,status')">Printer-friendly version</a></center>
Any help to get me going in the right direction would be extremely appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Here is my textarea contol and link to the popup window:
<textarea name="instructions" style="WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 115px" tabindex="39" disabled rows="1" cols="20"><%Response.Write rsSelectGroup("INSTRUCTIONS")%>
<center><a href="JavaScript://" onclick="win1=openNewWindow('PrintTransaction.asp?TransactionID=<%=TransacID%>&Instructions=<%=Instructions%>', 'saPrint', 600, 400, 'scrollbars,location,status,menubar,toolbar,resizable,status')">Printer-friendly version</a></center>
Any help to get me going in the right direction would be extremely appreciated.
Thanks in advance,