I am working in an Access 2010 database. On my splash screen I have a frame with 4 options for the type of patient being entered. I have a button that I would like the user to select and it will open up the correct form, add a new ID number and enter the patient type just selected to go in the trans_type field in the table.
I have the code to open up the correct form:
I also have code for a button on each of the forms that is used to Add (so the user doesn't have to got back to the splash screen to select the same form if wanting to add another patient) and the code that is working is:
I would just like to combine them so it can happen from the splash and also add the transtype to the table. Thanks for any assistance.
I am working in an Access 2010 database. On my splash screen I have a frame with 4 options for the type of patient being entered. I have a button that I would like the user to select and it will open up the correct form, add a new ID number and enter the patient type just selected to go in the trans_type field in the table.
I have the code to open up the correct form:
Private Sub cmdAddRec_Click()
Dim strForm As String
If Me.frmTrans = 1 Then
strForm = "frmIntakeRepat"
ElseIf Me.frmTrans = 2 Then
strForm = "frmPtTsfronly"
ElseIf Me.frmTrans = 3 Then
strForm = "frmConsults"
ElseIf Me.frmTrans = 4 Then
strForm = "frmHCSSQry"
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm strForm, acNormal
End Sub
I also have code for a button on each of the forms that is used to Add (so the user doesn't have to got back to the splash screen to select the same form if wanting to add another patient) and the code that is working is:
Private Sub cmdAddRecord_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdAddRecord_Click
Dim AddMsg, AddStyle, AddTitle, AddResponse, AddMyString
AddMsg = "Do you wish to add new record?"
AddStyle = vbOK + vbCancel
AddTitle = "MsgBox Add Record"
AddResponse = MsgBox(AddMsg, AddStyle, AddTitle)
If AddResponse = vbYes Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Me.ID_Number = NewCustID()
MsgBox ("Add Record Procedure cancelled")
Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdAddRecord_Click
End Sub
I would just like to combine them so it can happen from the splash and also add the transtype to the table. Thanks for any assistance.