Jon, VB and VFP improvement goes so quickly, that I doubt someone will risk to write converter.
tthayer - Why you need to convert that? Its depended on what exactly you need to do. When you want to use VFP speed when working with data - no doubt you should re-work most parts of your application, because the way VFP works with data is completely different compare to tools for VB. On the other hand, when you just need a source code in VFP - not a problem, VFP is more powerful language than VB, so it will not be a problem.
Finally, we have .NET now, that makes no big difference on which tools to use for programming.
That is a tall order. I know of no converters to VFP either. As Vlad said, any Access code will have to be completely replaced to use it in VFP. Converting the data portion is no great trick. Post some specifics and the good people here will help you out as best they can.
As for .NET ... I'm not placing much confidence that it will deliver as advertised (wrt VFP). Have they even decided to put VFP in with .NET??? Also doesn't .NET require Windows2000?
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