Page" is a funny thing in Word. What is "one page" on your computer may not be the same page on mine. Unless each page is explictly separate by a page break. Not a good idea really, from a design point of view.
You would have to give a bit more detail.
Have you done a search on the issue? It certainly has come before.
Have you done any attempts yourself? If so, how far have you got? If so, post what you have and tell us where you are having problems.
You are right page is tricky to work with.
What I initially did was to try to print to files but that wasnt successful as what was printed to file was bunch of jiberish characters (i guess that has to do with PLG, printer language format!). The I thought maybe I could save each page into separate files. Story short my save as function is so messy i cant even share with you guys. but here is my print method: I appreicate your feedbacks. thanks
Public Sub RapPrint()
Call FileToPage("/vba/printFrom.doc", "/vba/printTo.doc")
End Sub
Private Sub FileToPage(ByVal printFrom As String, ByVal printTo As String)
With Application
.PrintOut fileName:=printFrom, _
Range:=wdPrintAllDocument, _
Item:=wdPrintDocumentContent, _
Pages:="1", _
PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, _
Collate:=False, _
Background:=False, _
PrintToFile:=True, _
End With
BTW, This function prints the who document to another file (not yet each page to sepaarate files). I tried this to see if the print method works at all.
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