set db=currentdb()
set rs=db.openrecordset("Table A",dbopenforwardonly"
do while not rs.eof
debug.print rs!form
set rs=nothing
set db=nothing[/tt]
If you're using access 2000+ try;
[tt]dim rs as adodb.recordset
set rs=new adodb.recordset
with rs
.open "Table A", options:=adcmdtable
do while not .eof
debug.print !form
end with
set rs=nothing[/tt]
NOTE - Don't use table or field names that might be confused with Access/VBA names - if the second field contains information about form names, name it FormName/FormDesc/fldForm - not "Form". It's also advicable not to use spaces in table, field, form, report.... names.
Since this is your first post, there are several Access specific forums. Do a forum search using "Access"... Also consider all forums have a faq-seqtion. Keyword search is also recommendable...
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