I new to VBA, and I'm not sure if I have a code problem, or if I am calling the routine incorrectly. We want to generate tickets with varied data on them, but need to keep the numbers in sequential order for accounting purposes.
I have built simple form to let the user input ticket information, plus enter the starting and ending number of the range of tickets to be printed.
Here is the code for the function:
I am calling the function via a private sub which is trigered by the OnClick event attached to a button on the form. The above code complies with no errors but will not run.
Any suggestions?
I new to VBA, and I'm not sure if I have a code problem, or if I am calling the routine incorrectly. We want to generate tickets with varied data on them, but need to keep the numbers in sequential order for accounting purposes.
I have built simple form to let the user input ticket information, plus enter the starting and ending number of the range of tickets to be printed.
Here is the code for the function:
Option Compare Database
Function CreateTickets() As Boolean
Dim db As Database
Dim LInsert As String
Dim LTicketCreate As String
Dim LLoop As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Execute
Set db = CurrentDb()
LLoop = 1
'Create number of records based on Ticket Number value
While LLoop <= StartingNumber
'Get next TicketNumber value (sequential number)
LTicketCreate = StartingNumber
If LTicketCreate = "" Then
GoTo Err_Execute
End If
'Create new record
LInsert = "Insert into Tickets TicketNumber, CompanyName, AddressStreet, AddressCity, Telephone,"
LInsert = LInsert & " Comment, TicketComment, TicketValue) VALUES"
LInsert = LInsert & TicketNumber
LInsert = LInsert & CompanyName
LInsert = LInsert & AddressStreet
LInsert = LInsert & AddressCity
LInsert = LInsert & Telephone
LInsert = LInsert & Comment
LInsert = LInsert & TicketComment
LInsert = LInsert & TicketValue
db.Execute LInsert, dbFailOnError
LLoop = LLoop + 1
Set db = Nothing
CreateTickets = True
Exit Function
'An error occurred
CreateTickets = False
MsgBox "An error occurred while trying to add new Ticket records."
End Function
I am calling the function via a private sub which is trigered by the OnClick event attached to a button on the form. The above code complies with no errors but will not run.
Any suggestions?