I am trying to use a variable to set the relative position in my formula, but it seems this is not right. Can this be done? If not, is there any other way to do this? I will need to paste the formula for the entire row after this.
For normalCounter = 2 To numNormal
offsetCol = offsetCol - 3
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 _
& " +(LOG10(RC[-offsetCol]))"
Next normalCounter
I am trying to use a variable to set the relative position in my formula, but it seems this is not right. Can this be done? If not, is there any other way to do this? I will need to paste the formula for the entire row after this.
For normalCounter = 2 To numNormal
offsetCol = offsetCol - 3
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 _
& " +(LOG10(RC[-offsetCol]))"
Next normalCounter