This week my access 2002 has started blocking me from the code, test, code, test that I use constantly.
I am using vba and dao 3.6 to code a function in a module. After coding, I run the function to sample results then return to coding BUT this week access stops me from returning to coding with the 'database has been placed in a state by user admin ... error 3734' message and I have to close the db and reopen to return to coding.
I am the only one using this db and placing it on our network or my pc has made no difference.
I have noticed that the problem does not seem to occur if I comment out my use of CurrentDB.
I have searched the internet, checked my options 'open as' setting (shared) and checked for stray .ldb files. I also have make a new db and copied objects from the old to the new db which did not help and completely started over and created a db from scratch which did not help.
My 3 tables are from a "List of Excluded Individuals/Entities" website related to Medicare/Medicaid and were imported into access from downloaded .dbf files using the dbase 5 option.
Here is my code...
Thanks in advance for any help anyone provides.
I am using vba and dao 3.6 to code a function in a module. After coding, I run the function to sample results then return to coding BUT this week access stops me from returning to coding with the 'database has been placed in a state by user admin ... error 3734' message and I have to close the db and reopen to return to coding.
I am the only one using this db and placing it on our network or my pc has made no difference.
I have noticed that the problem does not seem to occur if I comment out my use of CurrentDB.
I have searched the internet, checked my options 'open as' setting (shared) and checked for stray .ldb files. I also have make a new db and copied objects from the old to the new db which did not help and completely started over and created a db from scratch which did not help.
My 3 tables are from a "List of Excluded Individuals/Entities" website related to Medicare/Medicaid and were imported into access from downloaded .dbf files using the dbase 5 option.
Here is my code...
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Global db As DAO.Database
Global dbAstor36Main As DAO.Database
Global rs As DAO.Recordset
Global rsEmp As DAO.Recordset
Global I As Long
Global strSQL As String
Public Const conAstor36Main As String = "\\NT-Finance\Astorware\Astor36Main.MDB"
Public Const conEmployees As String = "tblEmployees"
Global strFirstInitial() As String
Global strMiddleInitial() As String
Global strLastName() As String
Global varHireDate() As Variant
Global varTermDate() As Variant
Global RC As Long
Public Function Search_LEIE_Database()
'Search the List of Excluded Individuals/Entities for matches against Astor's employees
Set dbAstor36Main = OpenDatabase(conAstor36Main)
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & conEmployees & "] ORDER BY [LastName], [FirstName], [MiddleName];"
Set rsEmp = dbAstor36Main.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
With rsEmp
RC = CLng(.RecordCount)
ReDim strFirstInitial(1 To RC)
ReDim strMiddleInitial(1 To RC)
ReDim strLastName(1 To RC)
ReDim varHireDate(1 To RC)
ReDim varTermDate(1 To RC)
I = 0
Do Until .EOF
I = I + 1
strFirstInitial(I) = Left(Trim(CStr("" & .Fields("FirstName"))), 1)
strMiddleInitial(I) = Left(Trim(CStr("" & .Fields("MiddleName"))), 1)
strLastName(I) = Trim(CStr("" & .Fields("LastName")))
If IsDate(.Fields("LastHireDate")) Then
varHireDate(I) = CDate(.Fields("LastHireDate"))
varHireDate(I) = Null
End If
If IsDate(.Fields("TerminationDate")) Then
varTermDate(I) = CDate(.Fields("TerminationDate"))
varTermDate(I) = Null
End If
End With
Set rsEmp = Nothing
Set dbAstor36Main = Nothing
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("UPDATED_20090514") '45111
'Set rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset("UPDATED_20090514") '45111
With rs
I = 0
Do Until .EOF
I = I + 1
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
MsgBox I
End Function
Thanks in advance for any help anyone provides.