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VBA code to loop through all records in a table and do update query

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Jan 10, 2003
Fairly new to VBA coding. I have a table called tblManualInput that contains up to 300 customer addresses with a unique customer # for each (field name is CustNum).

I have an update query (qryUpdateTotals) I want to run for each CustNum in the ManualInput table once a new spreadsheet of invoice data is imported.

Thanks in advance!
What is the sql for qryUpdateTotals?

Are you sure you need to store a calculated field? It violates the rules for normal tables to do so.

It actually does a series of create table queries to calculate a running points total based on gross profit. Right now, it launches the macro to run the queries based on a drop down selection of that customer number on a form. I don't have access to the code from this computer.
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim iCustNum As Integer

Set db=CurrentDB
Set rs=db.Openrecordset("tblManualInput")

Do While Not rs.EOF
   'Do something here

Without the SQL, it is difficult to tell what 'Do something here' should be.

Thanks Remou - I've modified your code to the following (had to change some of the field names from my original post):
Private Sub Command32_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim iCustNumID As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("ManualInput")

Do While Not rs.EOF
   iCustNumID = rs!CustNumID
   AppendTablesMacro 'Call Function "Converted Macro- AppendTablesMacro"
End Sub

Here is where it gets confusing. The queries are referring to the customer number (CustomerMainAccount#) that was manually selected from the drop down list on the form (ReportSelectorForm). How do I tell the new Loop to give the queries each customer number?

Here is the first query that runs:
SELECT Qcntr([ID]) AS AutoNum, ManualInput.[CustomerMainAccount#], RawData.INVDATE, RawData.OLDINVOICES, RawData.[INV-AMT] AS [Invoice Amount], RawData!GP/RawData![INV-AMT] AS GP, ManualInput!PriorYearSales*ManualInput!Multiplier AS Threshold INTO DateRangeInvoices
FROM RawData INNER JOIN ManualInput ON RawData.[Main#] = ManualInput.[CustomerMainAccount#]
WHERE (((ManualInput.[CustomerMainAccount#])=[Forms]![ReportSelectorForm]![CustNum]) AND ((RawData.INVDATE) Between [Forms]![ReportSelectorForm]![BeginDate] And [Forms]![ReportSelectorForm]![EndDate]))

Thank you!
You need something on the lines of:

Private Sub Command32_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim iCustNumID As Integer
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = Forms!ReportSelectorForm ' Or Me, if it is the form module.

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("ManualInput")

Do While Not rs.EOF

   strSQL= "SELECT Qcntr([ID]) AS AutoNum, m.[CustomerMainAccount#], r.INVDATE, " _ 
    & "r.OLDINVOICES, r.[INV-AMT] AS [Invoice Amount], r.GP/r.[INV-AMT] AS GP, " _ 
    & "m.PriorYearSales*m.Multiplier AS Threshold INTO DateRangeInvoices " _ 
    & "FROM RawData r INNER JOIN ManualInput m ON r.[Main#] = m.[CustomerMainAccount#] " _ 
    & "WHERE m.[CustomerMainAccount#]=" & frm.[CustNum] _ 
    & " AND ((r.INVDATE) Between #" & Format(frm.[BeginDate], "yyyy/mm/dd") _
    & "# And #" & Format(frm.[EndDate], "yyyy/mm/dd")  

   db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End Sub

But if you have to do this for a lot of people, it would be best just to have a table of customer ids to update and do the lot at once using IN.

Starting to get over my head, now....

In my first query (in Design View), isn't there something I can put in the Criteria to reference back to the iCustNumID that the loop is on?
Something like the SQL equivilent of this (which doesn't work):
Found another solution. Added a CustNumID field on the ReportSelectorForm then had the code populate that field from the loop. Now I can reference that field on the form as my query criteria. Here is the updated code:

Private Sub Command32_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim iCustNumID As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select CustNumID From ManualInput")

Do While Not rs.EOF
   Me.txtCustNumID = rs!CustNumID
   AppendTablesMacro 'Call Function "Converted Macro- AppendTablesMacro"


End Sub

Thanks for your time!
I'm happy now...
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Part and Inventory Search

