Hello all
I am trying to get some assistance on the code "application.dialogs xldialogsendmail .show _" i am using this to send an email from Excel.
I have set up mu code to run this as required but now i am looking for something that will set a cell value as current time and date when the email has been sucesfully sent.
I am in aposition where i am gett8ing the time and date stamp where i want it BUT, not only does it stamp the time when i send the email BUT when i cancell sending the email aswell. Is there anyway i can get the code to only time stamp when an email has been sent?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
I am trying to get some assistance on the code "application.dialogs xldialogsendmail .show _" i am using this to send an email from Excel.
I have set up mu code to run this as required but now i am looking for something that will set a cell value as current time and date when the email has been sucesfully sent.
I am in aposition where i am gett8ing the time and date stamp where i want it BUT, not only does it stamp the time when i send the email BUT when i cancell sending the email aswell. Is there anyway i can get the code to only time stamp when an email has been sent?
Sub Approved()
'Set variable for subject and prefix with approval
Dim WSName1 As String, CName1 As String, savename1 As String
Dim Subject As String
'SET Filename
WSName1 = "Header"
CName1 = "CR_Num"
savename1 = Sheets(WSName1).Range(CName1).Text
Subject = "Approved & Ready ~" & savename1 & " " & "Assessment.xlsx"
'Send email with
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSendMail).Show _
arg1:="test@abc.org;", _
Range("Completed").Value = FormatDateTime(Now, vbGeneralDate)
End Sub
Thanks in advance for your assistance.