I have a project in VBA and I want to use some classes and functions from a vb.net project. is this possible? without changing the vb.net project?
thanks for any advices!
I've never tried it but I can't see why not. I would think you can just add a reference to a .NET DLL and make calls to it in the same way as any other DLL file.
I found a way to make a class library as a new project (in .net). and after this to add in references (in VBA) this .net dll.
But, in my .net project there are a lots of classes, and I need just some of them. it means that I have to make a new project (class library) containing just these classes which I need?
what about some select statements directly on the server (SQL server), which in .net are working, can I use them like this in VBA (do I need to change them into pass-through queries?)
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