I am very new to this forum stuff
I have a VBA code which currently exports a set of 8 fields into Excel - the set consists of part number, quantity, total quantity, number of packs, pack quantity - for each dealer I only need a total of 8 sets - works great
However some dealers have less than 8 parts - some have more - also I need the Total weight for all the parts for each dealer not just the 8
I am currently using a query to retrive this infomation
I do have a table which contains the total weight for each dealer which I could use as the .find strcriteria but not sure how to work that piece of the puzzle
(did not know how to attach-code is below)
Public Sub ExportLicensePlate()
Dim objXLApp As New Excel.Application
Dim objXLBook As Excel.workbook
Dim objResultsSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim cdb As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsHdr As Recordset, rsDet As Recordset
Dim fldPart As DAO.Field, fldTPks As DAO.Field
Dim fldQty As DAO.Field, fldWgt As DAO.Field
Dim fldPks As DAO.Field, fldDlr As DAO.Field
Dim fldLcs As DAO.Field
Dim ingTwgt As Integer
Dim strDlCd As String
'Dim strCriteria As String
Set cdb = CurrentDb
Set rst = cdb.OpenRecordset("qryLicensePlateNEWtest")
objXLApp.Visible = True
Set objXLBook = GetObject("I:\Labels\LicensePlateTemplate2.XLT")
Set objResultsSheet = objXLBook.Worksheets("qryLicensePlate")
'Set rsHdr = cdb.OpenRecordset("neworders")
'Set rsDet = cdb.OpenRecordset("newparts")
'strCriteria = "DEALERCODE " & " '" & rsHdr![DEALERCODE] & "'""" 'not sure where the " and ' need to go
'rsDet.FindFirst strCriteria
Dim intRowInd As Integer, intCount As Integer, introw As Integer
Set fldPart = rst.Fields("PartNo")
Set fldQty = rst.Fields("sumofQUANTITYSHIPPED")
Set fldDlCode = rst.Fields("DealerCode")
Set fldnopcks = rst.Fields("sumofTotalPacks")
Set fldpcks = rst.Fields("PackQty")
Set fldwght = rst.Fields("sumoftotalWeight")
Set fldlctplt = rst.Fields("LicenseNo")
'code will Transfer data from access to excel
'starting point is A2
intRowCount = 2
intRowInd = rst.RecordCount
' need to loop for each dealer - some dealers may have less the 8 pieces
If Not rst.BOF Then rst.MoveFirst
' strDlCd = rst.Fields("dealercode")
Do Until rst.EOF
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, "a") = fldDlCode
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, "I") = fldlctplt
intColumnCount = 10
intCount = 0
ingTwgt = 0
' If strDlCd <> rst.Fields("dealercode") Then 'loop to the next dealercode
' Do Until strDlCd = rst.Fields("dealercode")
' rst.MoveNext
' Loop
' Else
Do Until intCount = 8
ingTwgt = ingTwgt + fldwght
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, "H") = ingTwgt
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldPart
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldQty
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldQty
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldnopcks
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldpcks
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
intCount = intCount + 1
' End If
intRowCount = intRowCount + 1
I have a VBA code which currently exports a set of 8 fields into Excel - the set consists of part number, quantity, total quantity, number of packs, pack quantity - for each dealer I only need a total of 8 sets - works great
However some dealers have less than 8 parts - some have more - also I need the Total weight for all the parts for each dealer not just the 8
I am currently using a query to retrive this infomation
I do have a table which contains the total weight for each dealer which I could use as the .find strcriteria but not sure how to work that piece of the puzzle
(did not know how to attach-code is below)
Public Sub ExportLicensePlate()
Dim objXLApp As New Excel.Application
Dim objXLBook As Excel.workbook
Dim objResultsSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim cdb As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsHdr As Recordset, rsDet As Recordset
Dim fldPart As DAO.Field, fldTPks As DAO.Field
Dim fldQty As DAO.Field, fldWgt As DAO.Field
Dim fldPks As DAO.Field, fldDlr As DAO.Field
Dim fldLcs As DAO.Field
Dim ingTwgt As Integer
Dim strDlCd As String
'Dim strCriteria As String
Set cdb = CurrentDb
Set rst = cdb.OpenRecordset("qryLicensePlateNEWtest")
objXLApp.Visible = True
Set objXLBook = GetObject("I:\Labels\LicensePlateTemplate2.XLT")
Set objResultsSheet = objXLBook.Worksheets("qryLicensePlate")
'Set rsHdr = cdb.OpenRecordset("neworders")
'Set rsDet = cdb.OpenRecordset("newparts")
'strCriteria = "DEALERCODE " & " '" & rsHdr![DEALERCODE] & "'""" 'not sure where the " and ' need to go
'rsDet.FindFirst strCriteria
Dim intRowInd As Integer, intCount As Integer, introw As Integer
Set fldPart = rst.Fields("PartNo")
Set fldQty = rst.Fields("sumofQUANTITYSHIPPED")
Set fldDlCode = rst.Fields("DealerCode")
Set fldnopcks = rst.Fields("sumofTotalPacks")
Set fldpcks = rst.Fields("PackQty")
Set fldwght = rst.Fields("sumoftotalWeight")
Set fldlctplt = rst.Fields("LicenseNo")
'code will Transfer data from access to excel
'starting point is A2
intRowCount = 2
intRowInd = rst.RecordCount
' need to loop for each dealer - some dealers may have less the 8 pieces
If Not rst.BOF Then rst.MoveFirst
' strDlCd = rst.Fields("dealercode")
Do Until rst.EOF
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, "a") = fldDlCode
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, "I") = fldlctplt
intColumnCount = 10
intCount = 0
ingTwgt = 0
' If strDlCd <> rst.Fields("dealercode") Then 'loop to the next dealercode
' Do Until strDlCd = rst.Fields("dealercode")
' rst.MoveNext
' Loop
' Else
Do Until intCount = 8
ingTwgt = ingTwgt + fldwght
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, "H") = ingTwgt
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldPart
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldQty
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldQty
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldnopcks
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
objResultsSheet.Cells(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = fldpcks
intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1
intCount = intCount + 1
' End If
intRowCount = intRowCount + 1