I am updating a vb app which creates a report based on criteria from a form. The report is using an access database.
I need to add a facility to set the criteria for the report to date fields that are empty. In other words I need to pass the formula to include an Is Null statement.
here is what i have done so far (It comes up with error in formula)
strselform = "{itemtask.taskdone} = False AND (({itemtask.year}<2001) OR (({itemtask.year}=2001) AND ({itemtask.weekno}<=10))) AND {itemtask.taskissued} Is Null"
I pass this using the CR ActiveX component by SelectionFormula. It works without the {itemtask.taskissued} Is Null section....
Please help
I need to add a facility to set the criteria for the report to date fields that are empty. In other words I need to pass the formula to include an Is Null statement.
here is what i have done so far (It comes up with error in formula)
strselform = "{itemtask.taskdone} = False AND (({itemtask.year}<2001) OR (({itemtask.year}=2001) AND ({itemtask.weekno}<=10))) AND {itemtask.taskissued} Is Null"
I pass this using the CR ActiveX component by SelectionFormula. It works without the {itemtask.taskissued} Is Null section....
Please help