I need to pass in the values for a date range in a Crystal7 report.
The Parameter (TimeFrame) is set to value date and type range in Crystal. It works fine in the report asking for start and end dates.
The dates are passed from 2 fields in VB6
TimeFrame is Parameter(0) its the only one
I tried this and variations
am I even close?
thanks mark
I need to pass in the values for a date range in a Crystal7 report.
The Parameter (TimeFrame) is set to value date and type range in Crystal. It works fine in the report asking for start and end dates.
The dates are passed from 2 fields in VB6
TimeFrame is Parameter(0) its the only one
I tried this and variations
ShiftReport.ParameterFields(0) = "TimeFrame;" & Format(StartDateBox, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "," & Format(EndDateBox, "mm/dd/yyyy") & ";False"
am I even close?
thanks mark