Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set MyApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set doc = MyApp.Documents.Open("c:\1.doc")
If doc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox MyFileName & "can not open this file!"
End If
doc.Close / there is wrong, can not find close this property. can you tell me why. how to change it,
Set doc = Nothing
Set MyApp = Nothing
Call ParseWordfile.ParseWord
End Sub
Set MyApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set doc = MyApp.Documents.Open("c:\1.doc")
If doc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox MyFileName & "can not open this file!"
End If
doc.Close / there is wrong, can not find close this property. can you tell me why. how to change it,
Set doc = Nothing
Set MyApp = Nothing
Call ParseWordfile.ParseWord
End Sub