Iwant to to connect between Vb with Crystal Report in my project, which I want to create report according to company omset from "startdate" to "EndDate" and the date has "field date" but the report errors.
Here I Write the script of the error below :
Private Sub CmdPrint_Click()
CrRpt.WindowTitle = "Report Barang"
CrRpt.SelectionFormula = "{T_ExpPeriode.Tgl_Tran} in " & TxtStartDate.Text & " to " & TxtEndDate
CrRpt.ReportFileName = "C:\EximData\Report\RptOmset.Rpt"
CrRpt.WindowState = crptMaximized
CrRpt.Destination = crptToWindow
CrRpt.Action = 1
End Sub
Here I Write the script of the error below :
Private Sub CmdPrint_Click()
CrRpt.WindowTitle = "Report Barang"
CrRpt.SelectionFormula = "{T_ExpPeriode.Tgl_Tran} in " & TxtStartDate.Text & " to " & TxtEndDate
CrRpt.ReportFileName = "C:\EximData\Report\RptOmset.Rpt"
CrRpt.WindowState = crptMaximized
CrRpt.Destination = crptToWindow
CrRpt.Action = 1
End Sub